Newly baptized CEO challenges church members for nurturing and guidance

Global TMI Convention Inspires Adventist Leaders, Members, CEO in Bohol

The Global Total Member Involvement (TMI) Convention of the Seventh-day Adventist Church at Camp Karis, Ubay, Bohol, gathered church leaders from the Central Visayan Conference, including pastors, elders, personal ministries coordinators, and church members from Bohol province.

The event, held from Sept. 6-7, 2024, aimed to reignite the church and ministers for the Global Total Member Involvement initiative, a multi-faceted approach that seeks to foster a universal culture of evangelism and disciple-making. It calls for every church and every member to become actively involved in making disciples using Christ’s method. 

It also celebrated the newly baptized members from the recent mega evangelistic campaigns conducted by Adventist- Laymen Services and Industries in July.

Pastor Lelord Aranguez, CVC Communications director, acknowledged the efforts of ASI members, together with the Adventist Professionals and the rest of the members of the Bohol Federation of Seventh Day Adventist Association of Churches for a successful harvest of souls during the simultaneous evangelistic meetings. 

One of these newly baptized was Bro. Victor Lauron, an educator and owner of Bohol College of Science and Technology Inc.

Pastor Norberto Pamisa, Central Philippine Union Conference Sabbath School/Personal Ministries/Adventist Community Services director, set the event’s tone with his opening inspirational message Friday afternoon.

The program continued into the night for the vesper worship, during which Pastor Richard Dean Masangcay, executive secretary of the Western Visayan Conference, delivered the message.

On the following day —a Sabbath day, Lauron expressed his humility as a new Adventist, seeking the church’s support in his spiritual journey while committing to serve God and the community.

“I also have a mission as the chief executive officer in the school entrusted by God. I hope and pray that the church’s gospel will radiate from the board of trustees to the administration and the students,” he said.

Other notable speakers included Pastor Segundino Asoy, director of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division’s Sabbath School and Personal Ministries. During the Sabbath School program and the divine service, he shared a personal story about a professor who became an Adventist through his bus ministry with Pastor Pitogo in Valencia many years ago.

Despite feeling embarrassed to sing on the bus, Pastor Asoy sang while Pastor Pitogo shared the gospel. This simple act profoundly impacted a passenger who happened to be a professor,  listed all the verses, studied the Bible, and was convicted of the truth by the Holy Spirit.

“I am so grateful to be here with all of you. You might think I am okay, but I also face great battles. However, let us surrender everything to God and, most importantly, continue our mission of discipleship, starting with our closest neighbors and family. May we all be neighbors in heaven!” Pastor Asoy said before offering a special prayer.

On the other hand, inspirational testimonies and lectures on discipleship highlighted the afternoon program, promoting unity and friendship among leaders and members. Even the commitment service rekindled the faith of many, moving them to tears as Pastor Asoy shared true-to-life experiences of faithful elders and pastors.

For the attendees, the convention, with its powerful messages and uplifting music, left a deep and inspirational impact on them.

By Richel D. Quisto, Bohol Writers’ Guild, Northern Bohol District

The original version of the article was published on the official page of the Northern Bohol District.

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