Foreign Evangelists on ‘Journey of Hope’ Reaches Negros Occidental: Over 500 Baptized

Negros Occidental Conference, in cooperation with the “Revival Hope Global Outreach” team, hosted an evangelistic effort in 10 different locations of Negros Occidental from August 25-31, 2024, under the theme “Journey to Hope.”

Volunteer evangelists, mainly from various foreign countries, alongside NOC directors, teamed up to conduct this evangelistic event across Negros Occidental.

These simultaneous evangelistic campaigns spanned Metro Bacolod Districts to Manapla-Victorias-Cadiz Districts. It also covered Murcia, Silay, Calatrava, and San Carlos City District. Furthermore, it included Cuayan, Toboso-Escalante District, Sagay, and Don Salvador Benidicto.

Mr. Philber Grant, a Jamaican evangelist, said, “It is called ‘Journey to Hope’ because as Sevent-day Adventists, we are looking forward to the second coming of Jesus, our Blessed Hope.”

He further said, “The seeds in the Philippines are ripe and ready to be reaped. I don’t regret a minute of my visit, and I definitely will come back.”

Each night’s program opened with the ‘Children’s Hour.’ This was followed by a health lecture and praise song singing before Pastor Grant took the stage for his ‘Journey to Hope’ discussion.

This evangelistic crusade, supported by NOC administrators, district pastors, and church members, gathered over 500 individuals who accepted Jesus Christ through baptism.

Church members praised God for the work of the Holy Spirit in moving everyone’s hearts, dedicating their time, and unceasingly praying for the success of this program.

Pastor Brendo Caroz, NOC executive secretary, expressed delight at the privilege of joining the theme and to all who actively supported this evangelistic effort.

In appreciation of Pastor Grant’s dedication to sharing spiritual food, Pastor Caroz shared, “This is a blessing, this is hope, this is life that gives us strength and power to share the Word of God.”

Furthermore, Bro. Aljohn Jusay, the Calatrava district leader, expressed gratitude through the NOC News Flash team in a live interview, “I would like to thank everyone, the NOC administration headed by Pastor Jophone Galanza, Pastor Caroz, Pastor Blando, and all directors who support this program.”

Jusay further thanked the ‘Journey to Hope’ team for coming all the way to Negros to conduct the evangelism program. He also mentioned the people of his assigned area for coming every night to listen to the Word of God.

“I thank, especially our loving God, our Hope Channel crew, and the more- than- a hundred participants every night. Because of your attendance, we feel successful and happy.”

By Stephanie Loriezo, Hope Channel Bacolod

The original article was posted on Negros Occidental Conference Official Facebook Page

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