
Adventist Chaplaincy

CPUC Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries Department (ACM) aims to establish a global network of Adventist chaplains who responsibly care for the spiritual well-being of all individuals within their assigned circle of influence. Adventist chaplains serve as an extension of the Church’s ministry. ACM guides applying GC/SSD established standards for chaplaincy ministry worldwide.

Children’s Ministries

CPUC Children’s Ministries Department aims to nurture the faith of children from birth through age fourteen, guiding them into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus and a commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


CPUC Communication Department aims to assist the church in the Union territory in reaching society, both within the church and externally, with an open, responsible, and hope-filled communication program through the effective use of contemporary technologies and methods of communication. It collaborates with all departments at the CPUC headquarters in the dissemination of news and information, including information intended for the community or non-church entities.


CPUC Education Department seeks to provide a broad education and spiritual formation for the Church’s children, youth, and young adults within the context of the Christian worldview. It extends this same opportunity to other children and youth of the community who share similar values and ideals.

Family Ministries

CPUC Family Ministries Department seeks to strengthen the home as a disciple-making center where family members are encouraged in their relationship with Jesus through their interpersonal relationships, developing the relational skills necessary for winsome witness.

Health Ministries

CPUC Health Ministries Department aims to enhance and preserve the health of individuals residing in the territories of the Union. This includes the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and those served by the Church and its members. The primary goal of improving health is to restore the image of God in humanity. Physical, mental, and spiritual well-being are integral parts of this restoration process in achieving wholeness.

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty

CPUC Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Service (PARL) seeks to promote and maintain religious liberty within the division, with particular emphasis upon individual liberty of conscience. It gives importance to varied cultures consisting of different ideologies, religions, and beliefs. As such, PARL is involved in government relations, inter-church contacts, and networks with non-governmental organizations that have kindred goals in upholding religious freedom. The Service not only works for the religious liberties of both individual church members and organized entities of the Church but also supports the rightful religious liberties of all people.

Ministerial Association

CPUC Ministerial Association aims to support the pastors and church elders, and also provide services for non-SDA pastors.

Publishing Ministries

CPUC Publishing Ministries Department seeks to coordinate the printing and distribution of denominational literature throughout the Union territory to nurture and strengthen the faith of church members and circulate the printed messages to the public through the church members and literature evangelists.

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries

CPUC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department serve as the primary religious educational resource for church members in fostering Christian growth and discipleship and to educate and equip members in active witnessing, giving Bible studies, and conducting lay evangelism.


CPUC Stewardship Ministries seeks to assist the administration in accomplishing the mission of the Church through leadership training and the education of church members in stewardship principles. More specifically, the purpose of the Stewardship Ministries is to aid in the integration of the faith walk with God into every area of life— individually and corporately.

Legal Services, and Planned Giving and Trust Services

CPUC Legal Services, and Planned Giving and Trust Services (PGTS) teaches this profound truth and provides the means whereby individuals and families may, through the avenues of special gifts, trusts, annuities, and bequests, give their continuing whole-hearted support to God’s work. In the fulfillment of this purpose, the PGTS also seeks to minimize the cost of administering and closing the estates of donors and attempts to utilize every lawful means to hold income, gift, and estate tax consequences to a minimum.

Women’s Ministries

CPUC Women’s Ministries Department recognizes God’s love and calls for women to come in close relationship with Him as His disciples. The primary purpose is to encourage, support, challenge, equip and train, facilitate, and nurture the women in the Church to know Him, love Him, and share Him.

Youth Ministries

CPUC Youth Ministries Department works for and through its youth. The primary focus is the salvation of youth and their acceptance and involvement in the mission of the Church. The purpose is to facilitate and support the ministry of the Church in winning, training, holding, and reclaiming its youth.

Spirit of Prophecy

CPUC Spirit of Prophecy (SOP) Services underscores the importance of preserving, studying, and disseminating the rich heritage and spiritual legacy embodied in Ellen G. White’s writings, thereby enriching the intellectual, cultural, and spiritual life of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its broader global community. SOP is established to foster scholarly inquiry, preserve historical records, and promote the understanding of Ellen G. White’s writings within the Seventh-day Adventist community and beyond.

1000 Missionary Movement

CPUC 1000 Missionary Movement stem from the Great Commission to train young people and utilize them to help finish the gospel work. These goals and objectives are general, covering not only the 1000 Missionary Movement but also sending missionary churches. The primary goal of 1000 Missionary Movement is to train, send, and support 1000 missionaries each year. Inherent in this goal are three training objectives. The first is to protect Adventist youth from evil influences of the world by instilling in them sound Christian principles during training. The second is to help finish the work of the gospel, particularly in unentered territories of CPUC. The third is to strengthen local churches through the volunteer missionary spirit of the missionaries.

Adventist Mission

CPUC Adventist Mission Office oversees Global Mission and Mission Awareness. It is not a department but works with all departments. As the mission communication and church-planting wing of the world Church’s mission program, it is part of the Secretariat at the General Conference and assists all Church entities in their efforts to raise awareness of mission needs and to take the everlasting gospel to every people group and each individual in the world.