

The CPUC President is the union’s chief executive and the ADCOM and EXECOM chairman. He is responsible for coordinating the multifaceted mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church within CPUC territory. He is the leader among the three elected officers, which include the Executive secretary and the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer.

Executive Secretary

The CPUC Executive Secretary shall work according to the working policy approved by the SSD/GC during sessions and according to plans and policies agreed upon by the CPUC EXECOM. The Executive Secretary shall serve as vice-chair of the EXECOM and shall report to the EXECOM after consulting with the president. It shall be the duty of the Executive Secretary to keep the minutes of the CPUC EXECOM meetings, to collect necessary information, and prepare required reports, and perform other task typically associated with this office.


TheCPUC Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer shall work according to plans and programs voted by the SSD/GC in session and according to plans and policies agreed upon by the EXECOM. He/sheshall report to the EXECOM after consultation with the President. The Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for providing financial leadership to the CPUC, which will include, but not be limited to, receiving, safeguarding, and disbursing all funds in harmony with the SSD/GC working policy. He/she is also responsible for providing financial information to the President and to the EXECOM. The Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer shall also furnish copies of the financial statements to the CPUC Officers.

Vice-President for NDR-IEL

The CPUC desires to train, resource, and equip all of our members so we may all work together to advance the kingdom. Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle (IEL) is the comprehensive strategy of the CPUC to share the love of God through small groups, or care groups. We want to see each member actively involved in sharing their faith. The Vice-President for NDR/IEL is required to work in close coordination with the President.

Associate Treasurer

The CPUC Associate Treasurer is vested with the special responsibility of keeping Treasury Department records and its office facilities in order. He/she works in close coordination with the Treasurer.