

Central Philippine Union Conference comprises the following islands and its territory: Samar (Samar Mission), Leyte and Biliran (East Visayan Conference), Masbate, Bohol, and Cebu (Central Visayan Conference), Negros Occidental (Negros Occidental), Negors Oriental and Siquijor (Negros Oriental-Siquijor Mission), Iloilo, Guimaras, and Capiz (West Visayan Conference), Antique and Aklan (Northwestern Panay Mission), Romblon (Romblon Mission) and all outlying islands, and islets within the Central Philippines. In its territory, it has six high schools and a college. As of June 30, 2023 it has 1,404 churches and a total membership of 219,955.

Mission Statement

To equip the members of CPUC of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with skills in witnessing, discipleship, fellowship, entrepreneurship, and leadership. This enables them to share the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ; preparing both themselves and those that they have labored for the Lord’s return.

Vision Statement

CPUC envisions the fulfillment of God’s plan in the restoration of all His creation to align with His divine will and righteousness.