Community Partnerships Key to Successful Negros Occidental Medical Mission

To promote wellness and self-awareness, the Negros Occidental Conference Health Ministries Department conducted a free medical mission at Barangay Kapihan, Purok Bunga, Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental, on September 8, 2024.

With the leadership of Pastor Joenie Samillano, the Negros Occidental Conference Health and Family Ministries director, this medical outreach served around 800 patients with free services in pediatric and adult medical checkups, eye examinations, dental checkups, blood typing, random blood sugar checks, X-rays, and electrocardiogram readings.

Pastor Samillano expressed his gratitude to those who supported this service, saying, “The Health Ministries Department of the Negros Occidental Conference, in partnership with Barangay Bunga and Don Salvador Benedicto officials, is grateful and happy that we served the community for their health concerns.”

“We are also thankful to our medical team, the Philippine Dental Association, and other services from local government. We are happy and thankful for the cooperation of our health officers and private medical institutions who are willing to serve the community for God’s cause,” Pastor Samillano continued.

This free medical service was a prelude to the ‘Family and Gospel’ seminar at the same venue where Pastor Joenie Samillano was also the speaker.

The evangelistic campaign, with the theme “Live with Hope,” ended on September 14, 2024, with individuals expressing a desire to accept Jesus through baptism. The baptism is initially scheduled on October 5, 2024.

Furthermore, Pastor Samillano couldn’t thank enough the medical team who helped pave the way for the residents to come to his nightly evangelistic series. “To God be the glory for all the medical team who had the true spirit of service and showed the compassionate love of God to our fellow men.”

“Let’s build wellness rather than treat disease. A healthy outside starts from the inside,” he continued. “The health department believes that health is the real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver.”

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